
Miracles in San Sebastian
In the village of San Sebastian, The Message for Mayans in the process of planting a church. The first time we visited we showed the Jesus Film and invited the people to receive Jesus. It was a glorious day because so many made a commitment to follow Christ. There is not a Christian

Prayer Requests
We’d truly appreciate your prayers. Pray for each volunteer serving on our outreach teams– For their health and protection on each mission trip into remote villages and for safety as they travel on the isolated roads. Pray that God would provide for all the financial needs of the ministry. Pray

Calotmul – War Against Witchcraft
I was a bit concerned when we got to Calotmul and found out that we did not have permission to be in a park. In talking with Pastor Dora Lara Amelia Meza, who heads a small church there, she told me that she was in prayer because she has had

Spiritual Battle in San Pedro Yaxcaba
There are approximately 150 inhabitants in the village of San Pedro, which is known for it’s practice of idolatry and witchcraft. From the moment we arrived in the village we felt the dark oppression. We began to rebuke the forces of darkness and to cry out to God as we

The Gospel Comes to Santa Eleuteria
The Gospel Comes to Santa Eleuteria A few weeks before going to Santa Eleuteria, many people told us that the people in that village do not accept Christians. We contacted a brother who was supposed to accompany us but he canceled at the last minute. Even so, we decided to